Tuesday, December 13, 2011

69 Dogs A Fight to Stay Alive!

Out of 240 dogs. It is said that 100 of them were immediately adopted out by authorities in Cavite, Philippines.

How one manages to do that so quickly and with dogs who were part of a dog fighting ring, is beyond me.  74 were rescued, the remaining dogs were put down due to the severity of their injuries.  Of that 74 there are now only 69 left.  Of those 69, 4 are on IV due to liver failure and the vets do not think they will make it.

Out of 240 dogs!!! Whose lives were filled with misery, neglect, living in wire cages too small to even move about, fighting, injuries that were never attended to, lack of food, water and any semblance of love and kindness.  They weren't even given the dignity of having a name. Each cage held a number and a letter. This is what they were known by.

The details of the horrors in that camp have yet to be truly known. And the men who were arrested. Face only 6 months - 2 years at max in jail. 2 year maximum is all they can get for the countless number of lives they took. The horrors they created in their Camp of Death.

What is wrong with this picture?

At least the law is there in both South Korea and the Philippines. Not every country can say this. Yet the penalties do not even come close to fitting the crime. Not here.  Not anywhere!

And that my friends. NEEDS TO CHANGE!

Those surviving dogs lives are now at risk. The money to house and care for them is just not there. IRO - Island Rescue Organization and Member of WEEAC Philippines, PAWS, CARA (Compassion and Responsibility for Animals), and independent rescuers are all working together to make sure these dogs are not put down.

IRO's sister organization; Friends for the Protection of Animals is a United States 501c3 organization. Any donations made from the USA are tax deductible.

Please help these dogs stay alive!  A second chance at life!
In the spirit of Christmas giving...

Donations can be made at the following Chip In set up specifically for these dogs.

The sadness and emptiness in their eyes is heartbreaking. . . .


Sunday, December 11, 2011

Large Dog Fighting Syndicate, Indang, Cavite, Philippines, 240 Dogs Found

In Indang, Cavite, Philippines, a large dog fighting Syndicate was busted, with 240 Dogs found on the property.

On Friday, December 2, 2011.  Authorities, arrested 6 South Koreans and 17 Filipinos in an abandoned animal feed mill in Indang town, just south of Manila, Cavite province of Philippines.  The raid was conducted with the help of an animal rights group, Animal Kingdom Foundation.

This was a huge operation, said to be taking in approximately One million a day.  As they held the fights via live streaming video, to paying customers.  Credit card transactions were held online.  This operation was organized with cameras spread throughout the arena, which were then fed to a control booth.  Reportedly shown online throughout the internet to South Korea, the United States and even Europe.

Luis Buenaflor, director for operations of the AKF foundation, said several cameras were set up around the arena, fed video to computers that streamed the fights via the Internet around the world.  He called on police to investigate local officials suspected of protecting the Syndicate after a permit from the Bureau of Animal Industry was discovered on the premises.

Cavite police director Sr. Superintendent John Bulalacao identified the Korean suspects as Kim Jeong Py - 40; Kim Su Jeong - 27; Kim Sang Hyun - 28; Kang Jun Ho - 28; Lee Han Gu - 33 and Kim Min - 31. They were all "temporarily residing" at the Summit Ridge Hotel in Tagaytay.

Dog fighting is Illegal in South Korea and the Philippines.  The suspects will all face charges for violating Sec. 6 of Republic Act 8485 of the Animal Welfare Act of 1998. Which is a minimum sentence of six months up to 2 years imprisonment or a fine of one thousand to five thousand pesos or Both.

Representatives from AKF, PAWS and IRO have been working together to help as many dogs as they can.  So far IRO & PAWS have "liberated" 74 of the dogs. According to Nena Hernandez of IRO in Cebu City Philippines.  Four had to be euthanized due to severe injuries, (one practically had no tongue).  Another died in a volunteer's arms at the site, and sadly 2 more died upon arriving at the PAWS facility.  She is still in shock from what she witnessed when she first arrived. On the last day of taking the dogs out, they discovered the "pits" where the dogs were thrown, she suspects, if they lost or died.  Nena said, "One of the volunteers placed a cross at the site, to at least give them some semblance of honor."  She also felt, that not one of the Pit Bulls were human aggressive as they were taken out of their cages.  All were emaciated and some with serious injuries.

All the dogs are currently in the care of PAWS, a Philippine animal Welfare Society in Quezon City.  PAWS already had 300 dogs of their own.  Now overwhelmed with this latest rescue,
DONATIONS ARE IN DESPERATE NEED!   They need approximately $700 in Total

  Christmas is the Season for giving....  and these poor dogs need Help!  Please donate, even if all you can give is $5.00    The Chip In account was set up by IRO's  United States 501c3 Friends for the Protection of Animals.  

PLEASE DONATE FOR THESE DOGS:   http://friendsfortheprotectionofanimals.chipin.com/care-and-rehabilitation-of-240-pitbulls-seized-in-cavite-dog-fighting-raid

The following pictures were taken at the site, the sadness in the dogs eyes is heartbreaking. The conditions they were living in a total Hell.  Dog fighting should be Illegal all around the world!  We will continue this story as to the fate of the dogs. . . .

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Nitro's Law HB 108, Why has it not Passed Yet?!

This is Nitro, a 3 year old Rottweiler who lived with his litter mate Bella.  Treated as one of the family in a loving home in New York.

Nitro's story, as written on Nitro's Foundation  http://www.nitrofoundation.com/our-story.html

"Nitro was the classic, determined Rottie with a high working drive and High Caliber K9 came highly recommended through Nitro's breeder as a positive outlet and focus for him to be the best dog he could be. 

Steven S. Croley, the owner of High Caliber K9 appeared to be the charismatic, gifted dog
whisperer and Nitro's family did all the necessary tasks ensuring his background was genuine and without blemish, including an 8  hour drive to be guests of Croley at his facility with impressive results. For 2 1/2 years a successful working relationship and bond soon developed with Croley and naturally a friendship quickly followed including social engagements and outings with all the makings of a trusted alliance.

When a critical medical emergency developed, Nitro's family found themselves in a dilemma of commuting for long periods of time back and forth to New Jersey putting a strain on the pets in their home. Nitro being highly protective proved this to be increasingly stressful on him.

Croley's facility and program of a summer dog camp seemed to be the perfect solution. Not only would he be safe with someone they thought they knew and trusted but Nitro could also work on his training in a secure and safe environment. Nitro was a very reserved dog and not inclined to trust easily and naturally any lingering doubts they might have had regarding Croley had dissolved long ago, since Nitro thrived in Croley's presence and doting attention. This combined with their successful 2 1/2 year history with Croley only reinforced he was trustworthy."


NITRO'S LAW is the legacy and testament in honor of a family's Rottweiler, Nitro, who was 1 of 8 dogs starved to death in a horrific crime at a K9 training facility in Youngstown, Ohio. Nitro's Each of these dogs had families and bright futures. They came from all over the United States and abroad for elite K9 training aw law enforcement K9s & service assistance K9s, only to end up starved to death in their kennels at High Caliber. The owners of these dogs paid fortunes to ensure their care, only to have them suffer depraved acts of cruelty and neglect.

In February 2009 HB 70 'Nitro's Law' was introduced and passed the Ohio House of Representatives and was assigned to the Ohio Senate's Criminal Justice Committee for consideration and for nearly 1 year this landmark Bill was grossly ignored by the Ohio Senate and on December 31, 2010, Nitro's law legislative window of opportunity ran out. House Bill 108 has been reintroduced as of February 22, 2011 by the original Ohio Representatives Gerberry & Hagan and round 2 has now begun.
By: Sara Uhler, Ambassador Georgia    

On October 22, 2008 an elite dog training facility 'High Caliber K9' in Youngstown, Ohio was raided. Steven S. Croley owner and trainer of High Calilber was arrested, charged and convicted on just 4 misdemeanor infractions for starving 19 dogs, 8 of which died.

A total of 19 dogs suffered extreme starvation and 8 of them lost their lives; 1 Rottweiler, 3 Doberman Pinchers, 1 American Pit bull Terrier, 1 Border Collie, and 2 German Shepherds.

Judge Robert A. Douglas Jr. set bond at $20,000 for Steven S. Croley, 37, allowing 10 percent to be paid. He will be back in court Nov. 13 for a pretrial hearing.

To this day he has yet to openly acknowledge his self-absorbed criminal actions and remorse for the unspeakable suffering which he was responsible for. The suffering of these dogs was not out of sight and out of mind; Croley lived on the same property as the kennels and the training area was his own backyard.

He was meticulous about the grounds, always displaying freshly-cut grass even while the dead carcasses of dogs were decaying in the kennels in the back. Alleged drug use is reported to have been the motivating factor in robbing these dogs of the basic necessities of life with the money paid to ensure their care instead  being used to feed an alleged drug addiction.

A further crime and travesty of justice occurred after the original crime; Croley was originally charged on 19 counts of animal cruelty for starving 19 dogs, 8 of which died with only misdemeanor provisions and penalties regardless of the severity of this crime, courtesy of Ohio's outdated legislation. To top this off, due to a legal technicality 15 of those original 19 charges were dropped and Nitro's life was one of them. Croley was charged only 4 counts of misdemeanor animal cruelty and was granted a plea bargain sentencing him to only 4 months in county jail with 13 days credited already having been served. He was released on Mother's Day 2009.

Ohio continues to rank at the bottom of animal protection legislation. The degradation of our nation as a whole by the state of Ohio continues into the 21st century and only through legislation that allows for prosectution of animal cruelty with stronger penalties imposed on those found guilty, will Ohio be on the road to becoming a Just and compassionate State.

How Nitro was found....  along with other dogs at this training facility.

On December 7, 2011.  Nitro's law held a Rally in Columbus Ohio, at the State house for HB 108

Shelly Zehner Emans,
WEEAC Ambassador Ohio,

Joined Liz at the Rally to support
 HB 108

Ohio continues to rank at the bottom of animal protection legislation.

Nitro's Law HB 108 passed the Criminal Justice Committee on September 21, 2011 the bill is still awaiting to be handed to the floor for a vote from The Speaker of The House. Once that happens it will still need to go through a Senate Committee then the Senate must vote and finally off to the Governor. The bill may expire before all of this get's done.

For further Details and Action follow Nitro's Foundation

Friday, December 9, 2011

WEEAC - Campaigns

Hello Blogosphere.....  WEEAC here.   It is my desire to use this blog to write about the various campaigns that we are a part of.   In keeping with our mission, of raising awareness.  To keep people informed.  Educate. And hopefully gain more supporters who would like to work with us In Unity around the world. To help the many animals in need.

At the present moment some of our main focuses include.

  • EURO 2012 and Ukraine's mass slaughter of stray dogs and cats
  • Brazil Beagle rescue project.  Trying to free the many dogs tortured in the name of science and cosmetics in university laboratories throughout Brazil
  • Circus animals; The story behind the entertainment, and the miserable tortured lives these animals endure.
  • The necessity to Spay / Neuter;  Adopt don't Shop
  • Nitro's Law, trying to get a Bill passed HB 108 to increase the penalties for animal cruelty in Ohio.
  • The Canadian Seal Slaughter
  • The Namibian Seal Slaughter
  • The Dolphin Slaughter in Taiji Japan
  • The Wolf slaughter
  • and many many more topics.
I hope many will join me as I document this journey.

Dawn Groth