Tuesday, December 13, 2011

69 Dogs A Fight to Stay Alive!

Out of 240 dogs. It is said that 100 of them were immediately adopted out by authorities in Cavite, Philippines.

How one manages to do that so quickly and with dogs who were part of a dog fighting ring, is beyond me.  74 were rescued, the remaining dogs were put down due to the severity of their injuries.  Of that 74 there are now only 69 left.  Of those 69, 4 are on IV due to liver failure and the vets do not think they will make it.

Out of 240 dogs!!! Whose lives were filled with misery, neglect, living in wire cages too small to even move about, fighting, injuries that were never attended to, lack of food, water and any semblance of love and kindness.  They weren't even given the dignity of having a name. Each cage held a number and a letter. This is what they were known by.

The details of the horrors in that camp have yet to be truly known. And the men who were arrested. Face only 6 months - 2 years at max in jail. 2 year maximum is all they can get for the countless number of lives they took. The horrors they created in their Camp of Death.

What is wrong with this picture?

At least the law is there in both South Korea and the Philippines. Not every country can say this. Yet the penalties do not even come close to fitting the crime. Not here.  Not anywhere!

And that my friends. NEEDS TO CHANGE!

Those surviving dogs lives are now at risk. The money to house and care for them is just not there. IRO - Island Rescue Organization and Member of WEEAC Philippines, PAWS, CARA (Compassion and Responsibility for Animals), and independent rescuers are all working together to make sure these dogs are not put down.

IRO's sister organization; Friends for the Protection of Animals is a United States 501c3 organization. Any donations made from the USA are tax deductible.

Please help these dogs stay alive!  A second chance at life!
In the spirit of Christmas giving...

Donations can be made at the following Chip In set up specifically for these dogs.

The sadness and emptiness in their eyes is heartbreaking. . . .


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