Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Power Over 

When did we say to ourselves, this is okay. This is acceptable. After all it’s just an animal.

“Just” an “animal”. Why must we always look down upon “those that are different”, don’t speak our language, aren’t the same color, don’t share the same beliefs. And then tell ourselves, that because of these reasons, we somehow have the “right” to have power over “those that are different”.

And it was “just an indian” to the those who killed men, women and children, and forced them off their lands to live a life contrary to their beliefs. And it was “just a jew”, to the nazis in the 2nd world war. Held in concentration camps, starved, made to work as slaves, killed in gas chambers (not much different than how we treat animals). And it was “just a black person” during the 19th century. Brought here on ships, no different than the way we ship livestock today.

Is it because as a child, we are taught to believe these things. Therefore we go through life continuing to do so. Without ever stopping to ask ourselves, is this right? Is this morally just?

Why do we feel that it’s right, to take a Bull, set fire on top of it’s head and torture it to death. Then call that entertainment for the whole family. While another species is suffering right in front of you.

Why do we feel it is okay, to contain animals, and then hunt and kill them for sport. Laughing at the “great shot” your friend might have just made. At the expense of another beings life. To release birds from a box and shoot them as they take flight. “As if” we were merely skeet shooting. Kill a baby bear that has climbed a tree in fear for it’s life, running from hunting dogs. And then whoop and holler as though you just did the greatest thing in the world.

Why do so many people find this okay? Acceptable? When in all reality, the way our world treats animals. A being different from ourselves, who do not speak our language. Or think the way we think. Is no better than what was done to the indians, the jews in concentration camps or the african’s as slaves.

NO BETTER! All share the same planet. All have 2 eyes that see, 2 ears that hear, a nose that smells, a heart that beats, 2 lungs that breath and a mind that thinks! All bleed when injured and feel the pain of that injury. All have emotions, family bonds. Wolves live in family packs. Elephants live in family groups. Birds bond for life. Dolphins swim in groups of family pods. All are different from us. None speak our language.

What possible argument can be given to justify, that the killing, the torture, the exploitation and captivity of for entertainment, the slaughter for fur, euthanasia from overpopulation, slaughters of dolphins, sea lions, seals, "harvest" "taking" "bag limits" and the list is endless. What can possibly be said to convince me that any of this is right? Is just? Is acceptable? And should not stop right this moment! * Dawn Groth *

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To raise awareness to the cruelties animals suffer worldwide every single day!


Dawn Groth
WEEAC - Worldwide Events to End Animal Cruelty