Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Why is it so acceptable in our society to "Kill" animals?

Why is it so acceptable in our society to "Kill" animals? 

FACT: Alpha wolves begin mating when they are 2 to 3 years old, often establishing life-long mates. 

FACT:  The Alpha female digs a den or uses an existing shelter, sometimes with chambers and connecting tunnels, in which to rear her pups for the first 6 weeks of their lives. An average of six pups is born in early spring. Pups are born blind and unable to regulate their body temperature - helpless without their mother. Other pack members help the Alpha female by bringing her food and protecting the den site during this time. As the pups mature, other packs members care them for when the Alpha female leaves the den or rendezvous site to hunt or rest. By 7 to 8 months of age, when they are almost fully-grown, the young wolves begin hunting with the adults.

I truly need to understand this. They call themselves "Sportsmen" and use words such as "wildlife management" "cull" "harvest" all very benign wording. Purposely meant to lull society into accepting what they do. 

The problem here is that "conservation of the species" or "protection of the people" has absolutely NOTHING to do with their supposed "wildlife management". And EVERYTHING to do with their need / desire to Hunt. Recreational Hunting. To kill another living being. That is the only purpose. No matter what excuses they try to make to justify their actions.

This truly needs to change. This Mentality of Killing is very disturbing. And teaching it to children even more so.

Here is an interesting article from Psychology Today
By Mark Bekoff, Ph.D. in Animal Emotions.......

Do some people simply like to kill other animals?

I see no reason to kill other animals for a meal that isn't needed. Every time I read an essay about "ethical hunting" it makes me reflect on a number of different and challenging issues. One that comes up time and time again is that maybe some people simply like to kill other animals and then offer a wide variety of excuses about their lust for blood (consider also the unrelenting war on wildlife including the wanton killing of wolves, the man who used a trapped wolf for target practice, and the egregious abuse of laboratory animals including chimpanzees). I can easily understand why some hunters offer that "getting out in nature" or "getting in touch with nature" or "having quality family time" are important to them and that's why they hunt. But one can get closer to nature without a gun so there's more to it at least for some people, or so it seems.

I also don't understand how some people can deny the suffering and death(s) for which they're directly responsible. I find that when some people say something like "Oh, I know they suffer, but I love my steak" it nauseates me. And when they say they love other animals and then kill then I like to say I'm glad they don't love me.

Many people want to rewild their hearts - reconnect with other nature - and it's incredibly easy to do without causing any harm. So, when will the unnecessary killing stop? I hope sooner than later because it's just not necessary to cause harm and to kill to have a healthy meal plan. So, do some people simply enjoy killing other animals? It seems they do or else they wouldn't do it.

Full Article here:

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