Thursday, April 18, 2013

US Sportsmen's Organization has Double Standards

Based on an article published on the U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance.  It appears that what is okay for them.  Is apparently NOT okay for those of us with different beliefs.  The following is their article, my comments will be seen in blue italics.  

‘Humane Education’: Why it is not the right thing to do

Posted on April 16, 2013

We believe in animal welfare, not animal rights. There’s a big difference: Animal welfare concerns the prevention of suffering and cruelty to animals; whereas animal rights philosophy advocates an end to all “human use of animals, considering such use “exploitation” of animals. Animal rights activists have gone so far as trying to equate what they call speciesism (“a prejudice or bias in favor of the interests of members of one’s own species and against those of members of other species.”) with racism.
  (In the above.  They mention being FOR the prevention of suffering and cruelty to animals.  Okay. If that is true, then how do you explain trapping? Using dogs to hunt animals? )
We are dedicated to the care and well-being of animals and believe in their humane and respectful treatment, however we are opposed to the concept of animal rights. We believe human societies require and accept the use of animals as sources of food and fiber, as well as for scientific research, sport, entertainment and clothing. We live with and love animals while we also eat and wear animal products. We believe animals are good for humans both physically and mentally, and that we need not be ashamed of, nor have to justify human use of animals.
The education-related web pages of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) (, the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) ( and the Institute for Humane Education (IHE) ( reveal opposition to many lawful, human activities involving animals: animal agriculture; biomedical research; the use of animals for entertainment or sport including circuses, dog and horse shows and racing, mushing, rodeos, fishing, and hunting; wearing leather and generally any activity that uses animals to benefit humans. All these websites project the message that eating meat, dairy products and fish is cruel and a vegan lifestyle is the answer to ending the suffering of billions of farm animals.
   (Again I beg to differ.  Is it Humane and respectful to take an animals life, with the amount of Pleasure  they display in doing so?  Is it respectful to then sit and pose for a photograph holding the dead animals head up, for your moment of pride with the kill?    THEY believe human societies accept the use of animals for scientific research,  (ie... the cat experiments, maternal deprivation of baby monkeys), Frankly, I think the majority of people are now realizing how senseless, time consuming, a waste of tax payer dollars, as well as extreme cruelty beyond belief, these so called "scientific experiments" truly are. Nor do I believe, that the majority of the people agree to the use of animals for Sport or Entertainment.  ie.  Bullfighting, Rodeos, Circus, Trophy Hunting, etc...    I think that people are now becoming more aware of just how cruel these Sports and Entertainment truly are.  And do not support this type of cruelty.  Which again shows the hypocrisy in their first statement, which is that they support prevention of suffering and cruelty to animals.  So far, I have yet to see this.  They have contradicted that statement from the start.)
Whatever one’s personal beliefs regarding the roles of animals in human society, they are views best developed through assimilation of family and community values and adult life experience. Politically charged philosophies regarding the use of animals should not be involuntarily forced upon children and families through indoctrination by organizations with extreme agendas that are incompatible with mainstream American values. These organizations should not have unfettered access to impressionable children.
(Whoa.  And this one is loaded!  Here we have the double standards.  Where do I begin?!  Politically charged philosophies regarding animals should not be involuntarily forced upon children and families through indoctrination by organizations with extreme agendas.  WOW!  Let me start with, The Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation!   Whom Lobby and Pressure the rest of Capitol Hill to see things "Their way"  so that everyone is on the "same page"  This political organization is a non-profit hunting group made up of our Senators, Congressmen, Governors and state legislators.  Now, what was that comment again about forcing opinions via groups with extreme agendas?   DOUBLE STANDARD!    Then let us take a look at the very organization who posted this article.  The U.S. Sportsmen's Organization.  Another group with an Extreme Agenda.  And this one Targeting our children.   This organization has managed to work their way into just about every youth organization we have for our kids.  So our kids are being taught at the young age of 10 years old, first, how to shoot guns and firearm safety,  (as if this is a necessary skill for life!) which then leads on to how to Hunt and kill animals.  Again, is this a necessary skill they need for life?  Isn't this having unfettered access to impressionable children?!  To teach a child to hunt and kill an animal, creates in them a detachment on the value of life. They are desensitized to killing at such a young age, that killing could then become the answer, the solution to any problems they encounter. Just as it seems to be with the adults today, who were taught as young children.  And because they are conditioned at a very young age to kill, killing becomes 2nd nature to them. Another DOUBLE STANDARD!)
Further, we should not permit our youth to be indoctrinated with a negative view of ethnic or regional cultures. For example, the indigenous peoples of Alaska and other Native Americans hunt and trap animals for food. We should not foster intolerance of their cultures on the part of impressionable youth. Instead our children should be taught to understand and respect fully the diversity of the American experience, its history and its mix of highly varied cultures across the full spectrum of our society. “Humane Education” as its protagonists would teach it would do just the opposite.
(Now here I believe they are trying to spread a false message.  I don't believe that the majority of decent animal rights organizations are out to change the way of life of indigenous cultures and native americans.  Let alone teach a negative view of these people.)
Though it may seem unlikely that we as animal lovers and welfare advocates would oppose proposals to teach “humane education” to children, when the intentions of animal rights organizations are revealed, it’s clear why we are taking this stand. We believe decisions about the use of animals should be made with respect for the dignity of human and animal life, and where appropriate, by applying science, rather than emotion to decision-making about our society’s treatment of animals. So-called “humane education” represents an effort to indoctrinate youth in the ideology of animal extremism and should be rejected.
(I believe the majority of "their" article pretty much shattered any possible view of them as animal lovers and welfare advocates, unless of course they are referring only to cats and dogs.  And even there, I see a contradiction.  For those who believe in using dogs to hunt animals. The injuries to the dogs is extreme cruelty as well as to the animal attacked.  The following statement they make . . .( We believe decisions about the use of animals should be made with respect for the dignity of human and animal life, and where appropriate, by applying science, rather than emotion to decision-making about our society’s treatment of animals.)   Decisions made with respect and dignity, yes we see that in all the videos they post of which I will include some examples, as well as the photographs of them proudly displaying the animal they just killed.  Or of course let us not forget, they even proudly display the head of that animal as a trophy on the wall of their home!  Much respect and dignity yes!   And again, they like to say, applying science, rather than emotion.  I have yet to see any true science backing up these decisions they make.  In fact, I can tell you very well why they want to fight so hard against us.  That is, they do not want to lose their legal ability to go out and kill animals.  Period.  There is no science behind that.  The only science they use are fixed, based on keeping their "game species" alive and well for the Hunt to continue!
We need your help. As extremist animal rights activist organizations ramp up their campaign for “humane education,” please notify us if you see this legislation surface in your community or state. And please help us educate legislators and school boards about the underlying messages and intent. Let them know that you support the humane treatment of animals, but not the animal rights extremism embodied in “humane education.”
(Okay...  there is no extremism in humane education. There is nothing wrong with teaching children what animals are all about.  How they live in family groups, how they bond, how they feel emotions, pain, grief, saddness, happiness.  There is nothing wrong, with teaching our children the truth of what animals are all about.  That is humane education.  Not extremism.   There is no underlying message whatsoever.  And the only thing they are concerned about.  Is that children may very well decide they do not want to hunt and kill animals.  So maybe these school boards should be educated on the following.  I have a list of videos, made by these Hunters.  Which basically speak for themselves.)

Now regarding their program for our youth.  The U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance has a program called Trailblazers.  Information as follows:
Trailblazers.... a Program of the Sportsmens Alliance..... has now managed to partner up with the following YOUTH organizations....

Trailblazer Youth Partners . . . .
Boy Scouts of America
American Heritage Girls
Royal Rangers
Girl Scouts of the USA
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Boys and Girls Clubs
U.S. Army Moral, Welfare & 
U.S. Army Markmanship Unit
Girls, Inc.
Camp Fire USA

Trailblazer events focus on three 
key outdoor traditions:

• Shooting (archery, air rifles, 
shotguns & .22’s)
• Fishing
• Hunting, trapping &

Hunter education volunteers and seasoned sportsmen teach 
participants about firearm safety using air rifles, .22 rifles and 
shotguns. Experienced anglers explain about fishing tackle and 
casting techniques, while hunting clubs and trapping organizations 
put on thrilling fox hunting demonstrations, great game calling 
presentations and detailed trapping displays.
Here are their Partners & Sponsors:

• Lee & Ramona Bass Foundation
• Stephen Bechtel Fund
• Bicknell Fund
• Boy Scouts of America
• Bushnell Performance Optics
• Mrs. Mary A. Cabela
• Charles Daly
• Mary Barnes Donnelley Family 
• Delta Waterfowl Foundation
• William H. Flowers, Jr. 
• Fur Takers of America
• Georgia Dept. of Natural Resources
• Hampe Family Foundation
• The Hearst Foundations, Inc.
• Hidden Haven Hunting Preserve
• JCK Foundation, Inc.
• Kentucky Fur Takers Association
• Kenneth A. Lester Family Foundation
• Masters of Foxhounds Association
of America
• McBean Family Foundation
• Ohio Division of Wildlife
• Legacy Committee, Safari Club 
International Foundation
• Safari Club Intl. Golden Gate Ch.
• Safari Club Intl., NY Tri-State Ch.
• Shikar-Safari Club International 
• U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit
• WV Division of Natural 
Resources, Wildlife
• Wild Sheep Foundation 
• Williams Family Foundation of
Thomasville, GA

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