Saturday, April 13, 2013

We live in a world where there is simply far far far too much violence. The following Is a video by the man who slipped a Ryder into the Budget Bill. A Ryder that in congress did not get a special up or down vote. Just slipped on through as though it were part of the budget. And therefore got signed into law and the slaughter of our wolves began.

Let’s take a look a Jon Tester’s speech…. I will not pull anything out of this video, so someone can come along and say I took this and that out of context. I am showing you this short clip in it’s entirety of 3:45 minutes.

I will point out as he goes along. Comments on what he is saying.
Right from the beginning, he starts off his speech, which clearly was meant to discuss Hunting. With the word access, and you will note that this will be emphasized throughout his speech. Access, meaning access to Hunters who want to get out on these lands to Kill our wildlife.

From the start he mentions how big of a business this is. Billions of dollars in money and jobs. I believe here he may be speaking of the industry of selling all the guns, equipment, special clothing outfits that are worn, etc. Along with license fees, and whatever else is charged for the so called “Sport” of hunting. Keep in mind hunting is not the only thing that can create money and jobs.

There are many, many real sports that also need equipment bought, special clothing, gear, etc. Things such as camping, white water rafting, hiking, mountain climbing, and the list can go on.
He then goes in to mention that he is Chairman of the Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus. We now know of course that Sportsmen is just another term for Hunters. And that there is a special “non-profit” group created by Hunter politicians. Called the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation. He speaks of how this Political group is moving forward with a strong prioritized plan, to apply pressure, and try to get everyone in congress on the same page. That page being, the Hunter’s mindset and their agenda. At 1:19, he states “getting folks to make the right decision” (I have to ask, right decision for who? Hunters? Our wildlife? The people in general? As what we see here is someone lobbying hard for the Hunter’s and their so called “Heritage”. Their so called “right” to go out and kill our wildlife. Where are those people who should be lobbying for the right of us who do NOT want to see hunters killing our wildlife?)

He then goes on to speak of habitat. For a ‘Viable” wildlife population. So he speaks of funding for the Land water conservation and the mine cleanup acts. That both need funding. Not for the sake of the necessity of these issues alone. Not for the necessity of very much needed habitat for our wildlife. But for the necessity of keeping a “viable wildlife population”. For then he goes on to the real purpose. The Access, as I noted at the beginning of this little speech. Access for Hunters to go out on the ground, and hunt and kill our animals. (I have to ask Why is it so important for sportsmen to be able to go out and (enjoy) killing our wildlife?) They will tell you it is to Conserve the wildlife. To manage the wildlife. That our wildlife will Starve if we do not kill them. That they will run out onto the roads and get hit by cars, if we do not kill them.

Nature takes care of itself if left alone, without interference from man. The endangered species list was even necessary to begin with because “men” have been killing them to extinction.

He then moves on to speaking of the Hunting Heritage. And how a Shooting range Bill is going to help increase this heritage. As he benignly speaks of how it’s an important thing to allow more ranges out there on the land to teach gun safety. However that is not the real reason behind this. As you will note he says slightly under his breath, teaching people the ability to shoot so they can get out there and hunt. So when he speaks of wildlife conservation needing funding. That it’s an investment that Pays back. In his mind, the payback, is the ability to go out and enjoy the land, to hunt and kill the wildlife that they set up this habitat for, that they want access to more public lands to do. I’m all for funding for more habitat. Funding to help our environment and our wildlife. But NOT for the sake of hunters to go out and kill.

So I have another question, if this is a billion dollar industry, why do they need funding? And why should we fund Hunters, so they can continue killing our wildlife. They claim this is wildlife management. Conservation of the species. So again I’m a bit confused here. For now I am going to go back to my very first statement. There is far far far too much violence in our world.

Conservation of the species according to a Hunter. Is Mass killing of omnivore species, that eat the species they wish to go out and Hunt for enjoyment. For recreation, for sport. They will of course use any excuse as to why this species needs to be killed. For instance, the wolf, stating, the wolves are killing their ranch animals, the wolves are a danger to people. Anything they have to say, without any credible back up. To get the results they want. Again, referring to my statement of far too much violence. Why is it, the solution to a hunters problem is to go out and Kill. I would think, personally, that the reason for this is due to the fact they were taught at a very young age. To Hunt and Kill animals. This done to a child creates a person in our world where killing is far too easy a thing to do. They are desensitized to killing at such a young age, it becomes 2nd nature to them. So that killing always becomes the answer, the solution to the problems they encounter.

And so I say, who is speaking for those of us who want to see these habitats created. Access to public lands for the people. But for the sake of our environemnt and the planet. For the sake of the wildlife to have a place to live and run freely. For the sake of wanting to hike through the forests, to go wildlife watching and take photographs and enjoy the outdoors and fresh air and this planets natural beauty and all it has to offer that man has not yet destroyed. Who is lobbying or speaking for this?

As a people. We are now living in the 21st century. The year 2013. Not the days of pioneers where people truly lived off the land to survive. By now we should be a more civilized society. Who seeks non-lethal means to an issue first and foremost. Not mass killing of a species because we consider them to be a nuisance, a pest, interfering with the so called “Sport” they wish to enjoy!

I think the time for this type of mindset is and should be long long past. History. No longer a part of who we are as a people. For you look at our history. And all the violence that has gone by. Do we truly want this so called “Heritage” to be passed on to our children? To create yet more violent people for our future. More people, who believe killing is the answer.

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